Step 1
Combine all ingredients using a spatula in large bowl until well blended. Mixture should have a paste-like texture. If it is too dry, add more oil, a few drops at a time. If it is too oily, add more dry ingredients until you reach desired consistency.
Step 2
Using a spatula, transfer mixture into the container and secure lid. Contents will settle; mix before using. Store in a sealed container for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
To Use Scrub
Gently apply to wet skin in a circular motion, concentrating on dry patches and rough areas of skin. Avoid using a scrub on sensitive areas, in cuts, or on the skin that is irritated or sunburned. Sugar scrubs are not recommended for the face. Thoroughly rinse with warm water. Use caution, as the oil in the sugar scrub can cause the bathtub to become slippery.
Have fun creating your own signature body scrub by experimenting with various scents from essential oils like grapefruit, lavender or peppermint, found in specialty markets or crafts stores.